Friday, October 8, 2010

Vanity of Vanities

I think it has been over a month since I have posted anything on this blog.  So what happened to a book a week? 

Do you ever put yourself on an unintended sabbatical from those things which you really enjoy?  You just slowly move away from that which brings you joy and then a little while later sense the distance by the small amount of empty space in your life.  Okay, maybe it's just me, but my unintended sabbatical (in the midst of a challenge to read a book a week for a year) has been from reading and then writing about it here.  Not that I haven't been reading at all, I just have not been reading everyday.   The thrill is gone. 

The culprit?  Vanity Fair! 

I just can't seem to propel myself through this one.  I know there must be some of you out there who will cry out (in horror), "It's such a good book."  Really?   I can't say I follow.  I have been reading this book for a month (A MONTH) and I am not even half way through it.  But, I insist on plodding through until the end, because I doubt I would pick it up again (and if I did, that I would remember ANY of the characters, because I only vaguely can point them out now).    At the moment it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I am pressing on. 

Have you read a book you thought would never end, but perservered?  Was it worth it?

Any encouragement would be appreciated.  There just may be a scathing review in it for you.



  1. Thanks for stopping by! Sounds like you should put that book away and read something else. :0) But ya I've read books that I didn't like and kept going. It's soooooo hard !!
    Good luck with it.

  2. Hopping by! I'm not sure if I should advise you to keep reading or not. I read Vanity Fair too many years ago, in school.

  3. I enjoy a col;d Dr. Pepper or hot chocolate while reading or blogging!! I am a follower come check out my blog and follow me

  4. Sounds about like my Anna Karenina experience. I say keep going--you'll feel such a sense of accomplishment when you finish! AND you'll get to mark it off your list!!

    But in the meantime, maybe take a little break and read something short and fluffy. Or set yourself a goal and decide that you will read a certain number of pages each day (or spend a certain amount of time reading it daily).

    You can always see if has the audio available. I won't say there's no shame in helping yourself along that way, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. :)

  5. Shoot.. and I just finished two books that I'm about to put reviews up with. I guess I'm finally catching my second wind... or L is just giving me time to catch up. =\


  6. Kathy is right on all the suggestions she made. Taking a break to read something lighter will kind give you a second wind when you get back to Vanity Fair. I'm reading a book right now that's divided into sections; so I'm planning to read an entire section during the read-a-thon tomorrow. Then, I'll move on to some of my other selections for the event. And finally, LibriVox has helped me through a title or two. Any of these should breathe new life into your read.

  7. I was like that for Jane Eyre, but the sense of relief I felt at finishing the blasted thing was definitely worth it. Also, I've read maybe a quarter of Vanity Fair a couple of years ago - it was so slow! I have to read it for my 100 Books list, but keep putting it off. Hang in there!

  8. I started Vanity Fair this week. I have a feeling it's going to take me a while too. I've been reading it since Tuesday but still I'm only about 50 pages in.

    Visiting from the hop by the way
