Here's the growing list of books (with links to their reviews) we have read this year. They are numbered weird because they are in order of the publish date of the review.
42. American Gods
41. Towers of Midnight
39. The Princess Bride
40. Shadowdale - Pt One of the Avatar Trilogy
37,38,39. The Icewind Dale Trilogy
34,35,36. The Dark Elf Trilogy
38. I Am Not a Serial Killer
33. Good Omens
32. Shadows of Doom
31. The Way of Kings
30. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
37. Giant
36. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
35. The Bible of Unspeakable Truths
34. American Creation
33. Gilead
29. The Neverending Story
28. Best Served Cold
27. Magic of Recluce
26. Metro 2033
32. A Homemade Life
31. The Awakening
30. The Grapes of Wrath
25. Saki
29. Unashamed - Lineage of Grace
28. The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
24. The Gathering Storm
27. Kreutzer Sonata
26. Mrs. Dalloway
23. Boneshaker
22. Knife of Dreams
25. Let the Great World Spin
21. Crossroads of Twilight
20. The Dark Tide
24. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
23. Author Unknown
19. Wizard and Glass
22. same kind of different as me
21. The Weight of Water
20. The Jesus Manifesto
19. Letters to a Young Poet
18. Keep the Aspidistra Flying
17. The Poisonwood Bible
16. Where Angels Fear to Tread
18. After the Hangover
15. Robinson Crusoe
17. The Dragon Never Sleeps
16. Winter's Heart
14. The Moonstone
13. Crazy Love
15. Treasure Island
14. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
12. Life of Pi
11. A Lineage of Grace (Tamar)
13. The Waste Lands
12. I am Legend
10. As the Crow Flies
11. The Drawing of the Three
9. Alice in Wonderland
9. Through the Looking Glass
8. A Skeleton in God's Closet
10. The Path of Daggers
9. 7. The Road
8. A Crown of Swords
7. Soldiers Live
6. The Dragonbone Chair
6. Olive Kitteridge
5. Tried by War
5. Water Sleeps
4. Lord of Chaos
4. Heart of Darkness
3. This Present Darkness
2. Fight Club
3. Eyes to See
2. Angela's Ashes
1. The Fires of Heaven
1. The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Vol. I)